
Ukrainian soldiers strike at invaders' stronghold with 700 kg of explosives: video

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Ukrainian sappers from the 48th Kamyanets-Podilsky Brigade struck a Russian stronghold using more than 700 kg of explosives from the UR-77 Meteorite system, the General Staff of Ukraine reports.

Fighters of the 48th Kamianets-Podilskyi Engineer Brigade hit a stronghold of the Russian occupiers using the UR-77 Meteorite system. This was reported by UNN with reference to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

Almost a ton of explosives for the occupiers. Russian invaders were "greeted" by soldiers of the engineering troops of the Support Forces Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine 

- the agency informs.

It is noted that the strike was carried out by soldiers of the 48th Engineer Brigade (Kamyanets-Podilsky), using the UR-77 Meteorite system.

The weight of the explosive in the UR-77 charge is more than 700 kg, the General Staff adds.


According to the General Staff, Ukrainian defenders withstood 81 attacks on Thursday, repelling 31 incursions in Maryinkaas well as 50 air strikes and 80 rocket attacks on troops and settlements.

Biden announces more than 500 new US sanctions against Russia

Україна підписала безпекову угоду з Данією - першою країною за межами G723.02.24, 14:23


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