
The US announces further strikes on Houthi targets in the Middle East

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The United States announces new strikes on Houthi targets in the Middle East in response to attacks on U.S. troops.

US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said that strikes against "Iranian-backed" Houthi groups in the Middle East continue. He said this in an interview with CBS News , UNN reports. 

What happened on Friday was the beginning, not the end, of our response, and that more steps will be taken, some visible, some perhaps invisible, all in an effort to send a very clear message that when American forces are attacked, when Americans are killed, we will respond, and we will respond decisively. I wouldn't call it an overt military campaign. We have a concept of how we intend to respond

- said Sullivan.

He also emphasized that Iran is behind the militia groups and has influence on them.

In late January, a drone strike on a U.S. base on the border of Jordan and Syria killed three U.S. Army soldiers.

On the night of February 3, the United Kingdom carried out the third joint series of strikes with the United States on Yemen, involving more than 20 fighter jets.

According to DW, on February 5, the UN Security Council will meet in New York for an emergency meeting at Russia's request in connection with US air strikes on Iranian-backed groups in Syria and Iraq.