
The Ministry of Culture launched a "fake calculator" for Ukrainians: how the program works

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Ukraine is launching an innovative tool "fake calculator", which will help citizens distinguish real news from fake news as part of efforts to combat disinformation and improve media literacy.

In Ukraine, an innovative tool "fake calculator" was smashed, which will help distinguish fakes from true news. This was stated in The Ministry of culture and Information Policy, Reports UNN.


The association for innovative and digital education and media detector, with the assistance of the Icip and the National Democratic Institute (NDI), have developed an innovative tool "fake calculator", which allows any Ukrainian to quickly find out about the news that interests them-whether they are true or fake

- stated in the Icip.

According to Acting Minister of culture and Information Policy Rostislav Karandeyev,"Ukraine is fighting the enemy both on the military and on the information front, so it is extremely important that all Ukrainians, without exception, have the proper level of media literacy.

Для студентів запускають літню школу задля створення ШІ-рішень для боротьби з фейками20.05.24, 16:51

The Ministry of culture emphasizes that the" fake calculator " works 24/7 for free and without registration, because it can also be used by Ukrainians living in the territories temporarily occupied by the Russians.

To use the tool, go to site and click "Start". Then select the answers to five questions (the main signs of "fake information message") that are embedded in the site.

After the responses, the system will automatically determine whether the news is true or fake.

The whole process takes only a few minutes

- summed up in the Ministry. 


It is noted that the tool was developed within the framework of the All-Ukrainian project "Information Security", which, in addition to the "fake calculator", contains:

  • multimedia educational advanced training course in the international format SCORM "Media Literacy", which is already freely available to all Ukrainians,
  • webinars on media literacy for individual target audiences (teachers, young people, journalists, civil servants, representatives of public organizations and Ukrainians living abroad),
  • trainings for the most active participants of the project, which will be held in Kiev, Khmelnitsky, Ternopil and Lutsk during the summer.

Відео від нібито бійців Сил оборони: у ЦПД назвали компанію, яка поширює фейки про ЗСУ на замовлення міноборони рф04.06.24, 13:49

Thus, after a certain period of time of using this portal, users will already be able to easily and accurately distinguish the truth from fakes on their own. We expect that more than 100,000 people will use it in the near future

- explained Maria Bohuslav, executive director of the Association for innovative and digital education, coordinator of the network of Ukrainian educational hubs. 


The Center for Strategic Communications reported that Russian hackers spread deepfakes and misinformation about the Olympic Games in Paris. So, the Storm-1679 group, with the help of AI, created a full-length film called "The Fall of the Olympic Games", in which they used Tom Cruise's deepfake.


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