
State Department comments on explosions in Sevastopol

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The United States provides Ukraine with weapons to defend its territory, including Crimea, and Russia can end the suffering of the civilian population by ending its aggression and occupation of Ukrainian land.

The United States is providing weapons to Ukraine to enable it to defend its territory, including the Crimean peninsula, while Russia can stop the suffering of civilians right now if it puts an end to its aggression. This was stated on Monday during a briefing in Washington, D.C., by U.S. State Department spokesman Matthew Miller, UNN reports .


We provide weapons to Ukraine so that it can defend its sovereign territory from armed aggression. This includes Crimea, which, of course, is part of Ukraine

said the State Department representative.

He emphasized that any civilian casualties during the war are sad.

However, Russia can end the suffering caused by this war today if it stops occupying sovereign Ukrainian territory and attacking civilians.


The Russian Foreign Ministry summoned US Ambassador to Russia Lynn Tracy in connection with the missile attack on the temporarily occupied Sevastopol. Russian authorities claim that a US-made ATACMS missile with a cluster munition was fired at Sevastopol. According to the Russian Defense Ministry, the missile went off course and its wreckage landed on the beach.

мзс росії викликало посла США через ракетний удар по Севастополю24.06.24, 17:17

Lilia Podolyak



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