
Sikorsky: Putin uses traditionalism as a weapon

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Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of using traditionalism as a weapon to influence the Western right and called him “an absurd leader of international conservatism”

Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin is "the absurd leader of international conservatism. He uses traditionalism as a weapon to win over the Western right. This was stated by Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski in an interview with The Guardian, reports UNN.


Radoslaw Sikorski warned that Putin is trying to win over the right-wing in Europe and the United States by using traditionalism as a weapon.

He is an absurd leader of international conservatism. We are talking about a KGB colonel. I think the Russians did a survey about 15 years ago, or maybe they just noticed that on some issues, such as attitudes toward homosexuality, gender, all kinds of identities, you can drive wedges into our societies

Sikorsky explained.

Американці пообіцяли росіянам уразити усі їхні позиції в Україні, якщо ті підірвуть ядерку - Сікорський25.05.24, 12:39


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