
Setup and political persecution: MPs on the "Minister Solskyi case"

 • 114029 переглядiв

MPs from the Agrarian Committee expressed doubts about the corruption case against Minister Mykola Solsky, calling him a professional and suggesting political persecution, and some MPs even hinted that the case was fabricated.

MPs from the Verkhovna Rada's Agrarian Committee were not convinced by the evidence in the Solsky case. In their comments to UNN, the MPs emphasized Solsky's professionalism and suggested that the case could be a political persecution.

The next plenary session is expected to vote for or against the resignation of Mykola Solsky as Minister of Agrarian Policy. Prior to that, the Rada's Agricultural Committee is to consider the issue.

MP, member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Agrarian and Land Policy Petro Yurchyshyn said in an exclusive comment to UNN that he would not vote for the resignation of Mykola Solsky from the post of Minister.

"The issue of corruption must be proved by the court. I personally believe that there is no corruption there. As a lawyer, a lawyer with extensive experience, he defended people, ATO soldiers, who were allocated land plots. He did not take them for himself. Most likely, this is a political issue. This is political persecution. I do not see any crime here," the MP believes.

He noted that Solsky is a professional and experienced manager.

"A sociable person, an expert in his field, a diplomat, an agrarian, I'll tell you - you still have to look for such a person and it's true... Well, today they want to cut the specialized ministry... An agrarian country should have an expanded ministry. This ministry cannot be canceled," Yurchyshyn emphasized.

Another member of the Agrarian Committee, MP Serhiy Lytvynenko, even suggested that the NABU case against Solsky could be fabricated.

"For some reason, it seems to me that this is a setup. This is a case from 2017. And note that at the peak of the changes, this case was brought up, stirred up. It means that someone needed it. How long can you keep a ready-made case? I think they fabricated it. Because Mr. Solsky is a very decent and professional person," Lytvynenko emphasized.

"Справа міністра Сольського": НАБУ закликали озвучити долю АТОвців, які отримали землю, що нібито належала НААН01.05.24, 10:24

MPs also emphasized Solsky's professionalism and expertise in their comments to UNN. In particular, MPs Serhiy Bunin and Andriy Bohdanets called the Minister of Agrarian Policy a good specialist.

Ivan Tchaikovsky said in a commentary to UNN that he considers Solsky to be one of the best ministers since Ukraine's independence.

"I would call him one of the best ministers in the period of independent Ukraine. I think we will lose a lot from this, that he has resigned. I think that no one will definitely benefit from this. It's a pity," Tchaikovsky said.


NABU detectives and SAPO prosecutors served a notice of suspicion to Minister of Agrarian Policy Mykola Solskyi of allegedly organizing a scheme to seize 2,500 hectares of NAAS land.

Solsky himself says that the circumstances of seven years ago relate to the period of his lawyer's activity, long before his appointment as minister. His defense lawyers  claim that Solsky did not benefit from the fact that ATO soldiers acquired the right to the land.

In 2019, the Supreme Court put an end to the litigation over the disputed land plots. The decision of the panel of judges of the Commercial Court of Cassation confirmed the decisions of the courts of previous instances that SE Iskra and SE Nadiya of the National Agrarian Academy of Sciences do not have state acts for the right to permanent use of these land plots.

"In dismissing the claim, the courts of previous instances concluded that there was no evidence of the transfer of the disputed land plots to the plaintiffs by way of succession, as different acts of transfer of land funds indicated different areas of land plots transferred from one enterprise to another, and that the fact of registration of the right to permanent use of land plots by legal entities whose successors are the plaintiffs had not been proved," the Supreme Court ruling reads.


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