
SBU dismantles five more conscription evasion schemes: detainees from Poltava region

 • 27337 переглядiв

Law enforcement officers uncovered five more schemes that helped men evade conscription and illegally leave Ukraine, detaining the organizers in different regions.

Law enforcement officers have uncovered five more schemes to evade mobilization and illegally travel abroad by men of military age. This was reported by the press service of the Security Service of Ukraine, UNN reports.


As a result of complex measures, organizers of the schemes were detained in different regions of Ukraine. They offered conscripts to avoid conscription on the basis of forged documents or helped evaders cross the border outside checkpoints. The cost of such "services" was up to 10 thousand US dollars

- the SBU summarized.

ДБР розслідує понад 300 проваджень щодо діяльності ТЦК та СП30.01.24, 17:55

In particular, in Poltava region , the head of the district military enlistment office was exposed as extorting money from business leaders, including local agricultural companies.

In exchange for bribes, he promised to exempt their subordinates from the draft as critical infrastructure workers.

Instead, in Vinnytsia  , SBU counterintelligence detained two officials of the military medical commission who sold fictitious certificates of "poor" health to their clients.

The forgery was later used to "write him off" from the military register and illegally leave Ukraine.

We remind you that at the end of August 2023, the organizer of this criminal scheme was detained. He was an official of a local medical diagnostic center

- the SBU emphasized.

Ліквідовано ще три схеми ухилення від призову: серед організаторів – ексрадник глави адміністрації януковича09.01.24, 12:16

Law enforcement also detained a lawyer in Dnipro. In exchange for money, the lawyer entered the personal data of tax evaders into the lists of charitable foundations.

The information about the clients was then submitted to the Shlyakh system as drivers of international flights transporting humanitarian cargo.

In addition, in Zakarpattia , three local residents were exposed for smuggling fugitives to a neighboring EU country.

To take potential recruits outside of Ukraine, the defendants first drove them to the border river and then showed them the water "route" to a foreign country. Wetsuits were included in the price of the "services".

Two more dealers were detained red-handed in Lviv region. The men offered potential conscripts to travel covertly outside our country as drivers for a volunteer organization.

Investigations are ongoing to establish all the circumstances of the crimes and bring the perpetrators to justice. The operation was conducted jointly with the National Police under the supervision of the Prosecutor's Office

- the SBU summarized.


In Bukovina , a law enforcement officer and four of his accomplices will be tried for organizing an illegal scheme to smuggle conscripts across the Ukrainian border to Romania for a reward of 3500-6000 euros.

Підробляли документи та переправляли чоловіків в обхід КПП: викрито нові схеми для ухилянтів17.01.24, 13:07


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