
Russians build fortifications in Crimea – Atesh

 • 29621 переглядiв

The Russian military is building fortifications along the Black Sea coast in the temporarily occupied Crimea, probably creating a line of defense, as they fear a possible landing of Ukrainian troops on the peninsula.

In the temporarily occupied Crimea, Russian troops are building fortifications along the Black Sea coast. This is reported by the partisan movement "Atesh" in a Telegram, reports UNN.


The partisans note that it is likely that the Russians are setting up a defense line, as they are afraid of the landing of the Ukrainian military on the peninsula.

Most likely, the leadership of the Russian army, against the background of a sharp decrease in the presence of the Black Sea Fleet, admits the possibility of landing the Marines of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, since many people need to be involved in the construction of fortifications, and they are not enough for assaults at the front

the message says.

Окупанти в Маріуполі почали передислокацію та перекидають системи ППО до Криму - "АТЕШ"05.06.24, 19:20


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