
Romania expels russian diplomat for activities contrary to the Vienna Convention

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Romania expelled a russian diplomat for activities contrary to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, while russia promised to give an "adequate response"

The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs declared a diplomat of the russian embassy in Bucharest persona non grata because he was engaged in activities that contradicted the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. In turn, russia responded that  it would "give an adequate response". UNN writes about this with reference to Romania journal.


The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has informed that the Romanian authorities have decided to declare a diplomat of the russian embassy in Bucharest persona non grata for activities that contravene the provisions of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961. His name has not been disclosed.

These elements were brought to the attention of the russian side on May 24, 2024, according to the order of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Luminica Odobescu

- reported the Romanian Foreign Ministry.

The information was passed on to the Chargé d'Affaires at the russian embassy in Bucharest. the russian foreign ministry responded by saying that it would "give an adequate response.


Romania will consider the possibility of supplying Ukraine with one of its Patriot air defense systems to protect it from russian air attacks, President Klaus Iohannis said after meeting with US President Joe Biden.

У Румунії заарештували підозрюваного у шпигунстві на користь рф: фотографував військову техніку поблизу кордону з Україною24.05.24, 13:45


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