
NACP checked more than 500 TCC officials: the agency found only 8 violators

 • 22972 переглядiв

The National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption has found corruption offenses in 8 of the 541 officials of the Territorial Recruitment and Social Support Centers it has checked so far.

The National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NAPC) has already checked more than 500 officials of the TCC's management. So far, corruption violations have been found in eight employees. This was stated by Anastasia Radina, Head of the Committee on Anti-Corruption Policy in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, UNN reports.


So far, the NACP has vetted one third of the TCC's management (541 out of approximately 1700 people, according to the Agency). The NACP has submitted materials on eight TCC employees to law enforcement agencies

- the post reads. 

The defendants were found to have signs of illicit enrichment worth UAH 265 million, unjustified assets worth UAH 6 million, and false data in the declaration worth UAH 7 million.

Перевірка декларацій посадовців: НАЗК виявило понад 55,8 млн грн. недостовірних відомостей06.05.24, 13:03

Currently, the lifestyle monitoring of another 28 and full verification of declarations of another 5 TCC officials is also underway. Radina noted that at least two declarations of TCC employees have already received a higher risk score than tens of thousands of declarations of other officials from various bodies.

The largest case in terms of assets based on the NACP's materials concerns the notorious head of the Odesa TEC Borisov: last year he was served with a notice of suspicion of illicit enrichment worth more than UAH 188 million. Another person involved is the deputy head of one of the TCCs, who, according to the NACP, collected about UAH 400,000 from various military personnel on his personal bank card and allegedly spent it on his own needs. This is currently under investigation

- said the head of the Committee on Anti-Corruption Policy in the Verkhovna Rada. 

The remaining NACP conclusions concern signs of corruption offenses by representatives of the TCCs of Odesa, Sambir, Poltava, Dnipro and Zaporizhzhia. Investigations are carried out by specialized defense prosecutors, the State Bureau of Investigation, and the National Police according to their jurisdiction. Meanwhile, the SAPO is in charge of confiscation of allegedly unjustified assets.

8 cases with signs of corruption offenses out of 541 analyzed "cases" indicate that there are many more TCC managers who serve legally and in good faith than it may seem

- Radina is sure. 


The head of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Anti-Corruption Policy said that all lifestyle monitoring, the most effective tool for detecting unjustified wealth, was carried out by only 11 NACP employees.

На Одещині судитимуть працівника ТЦК, який продавав довідки ухилянтам11.03.24, 11:17

According to her,  in the course of lifestyle monitoring, experts rely on data from journalists and civil society, among other things.

The NACP can increase its efficiency by increasing the number of employees in the lifestyle monitoring and asset declarations verification units. I am happy to report that the new NACP leadership shares this approach

- Anastasia Radina added. 


An employee of the Ternopil military commissariat was detained for systematically receiving bribes in the form of construction materials from "evaders" in exchange for removing them from military databases.


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