
More than 500 settlements are without power supply, restoration of power facilities continues - Ministry of Energy

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Constant hostile attacks cause damage, while the situation in the power system remains balanced. More than 16,000 consumers have been restored to power.

Writes UNN with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine.

As of the morning of October 09, 527 settlements remain partially or completely cut off from power due to hostilities and technical disruptions. Over the past day, power companies restored power to 16,268 consumers who were cut off as a result of hostilities and technological disruptions.

The power system remains balanced. Active restoration of power facilities continues. Preparation of the power system for the autumn-winter period also continues. 

The problem with the Ukraine-Moldova line has been resolved.

Southern region: a high-voltage overhead line connecting the power systems of Ukraine and Moldova was disconnected for technological reasons, which led to a voltage drop at one of the power facilities. In addition, the substation equipment and household consumers lost power as a result of technological disruptions. The power supply has been restored.

 , the agency reports.

Technological disruptions also reduced the voltage of power facilities in the Central region.

Україна спрощує процедури для розвитку розподіленої генерації: в Міненерго розповіли про програми для підтримки громадян і бізнесу08.10.24, 15:27

Northern region: as a result of technological disruptions, substations, household consumers and industry lost power. The power supply was restored according to the backup scheme. 


According to official data, the water level in the cooling pond is 14.31 meters. It is stated that this is sufficient to meet the needs of the plant.


For the current day, imports from Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, and Moldova are forecasted to total 2,168 MWh with a capacity of 601 MW.


In 2024, Russia used more than 1,000 munitions against Ukraine's energy facilities. The loss of energy capacity exceeds 9 GW, which is equivalent to the electricity supply of four EU countries.


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