
Ministry of Agrarian Policy: there is a constant dialogue at the ministerial level, "active interaction" on the Polish border blockade will be held in the coming days

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The Ministry of Agrarian Policy of Ukraine is in constant dialog with the Ministry of Agriculture of Poland regarding the situation on the Ukrainian-Polish border.

The Ministry of Agrarian Policy is in constant dialog with the Ministry of Agriculture of Poland on the situation on the Ukrainian-Polish border. There are constant conversations at the ministerial level. We are also planning to have some very active interactions this week. This was announced during a telethon by the First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Taras Vysotsky, UNN reports.

The Ukrainian government primarily negotiates with legitimate representatives of the Polish government, so there is a constant dialogue with the Ministry of Agriculture of Poland. There are constant conversations at the ministerial level. We are also planning to have some very active interactions this week, literally in these days, which we will announce separately. That is, the dialog is primarily with the Polish government

- Vysotsky said.

In addition, he spoke about the demands of Polish farmers and noted that there are certain political demands on the Ukrainian-Polish border.

"We need to understand that there are several directions. There are two global demands of Polish farmers and, in principle, pan-European demands that are identical. These are the easing of the Green Deal requirements for farmers in the EU and the return of benefits and subsidies that have been partially canceled or are planned to be canceled," Wysotsky said.

According to him, these are the main two areas of requirements.

"путін, розберися з Україною і Брюсселем, і з нашим урядом": поліція Польщі відреагувала на плакат одного з мітингувальників, автору напису загрожує кримінальна відповідальність20.02.24, 21:37

"We also see that there are certain demands of a more political nature on the Ukrainian-Polish border that have nothing to do with the common European agricultural policy, which in principle have nothing to do with the agricultural sector of either European countries, Ukraine or our foreign trade. Therefore, it is clear that this should be separated," Vysotsky said.


Polish Minister of Agriculture Czeslaw Siekerski statedthat regulation of agricultural trade with Ukraine is one of the ministry's priorities.

Politico wrotethat Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, who declared himself "the most pro-Ukrainian politician in Europe," is forced to allow Polish farmers to continue the full-scale blockade of the Ukrainian border.


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