
Man sentenced to 14 years for murder of woman he loved since high school

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A 32-year-old man has been sentenced to 14 years in prison for the murder of a woman he had been in love with since high school after she rejected his romantic advances.

A Kharkiv resident was sentenced to 14 years in prison for the murder of a girl he had been in love with since school. This was reported by the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office, UNN reports.


The court found a 32-year-old man guilty of murdering a girl he had known since high school.

As a result, he was sentenced to 14 years in prison for premeditated murder.

The tragic events took place on October 28, 2018 in Kharkiv. The accused and the victim knew each other since childhood, and the man showed signs of attention to her during their school years. However, the girl did not seek a romantic relationship, keeping their relationship at the level of friendship. She subsequently married another man and had two children, but continued to maintain friendly relations with the accused.

The defendant perceived their friendship as a hope for building a family, which led to the tragic incident. That day, they met near a supermarket in Kharkiv to discuss their relationship. The man offered to go to his house. At home, the woman once again emphasized that they could only be friends, which enraged the accused. He hit her in the face, and when she tried to leave the apartment, he caught up with her and covered her nose and mouth. She lost consciousness and was dragged back to the apartment, where she died.

The attacker stayed in the apartment with the victim's body for a day. Then he turned off the lights in the entire entrance, undressed the woman and took her body outside, leaving it next to a bench near the entrance. He threw her belongings into a trash can.

Police detained the man in his mother's apartment, where he was hiding in a closet. He was kept in custody until the verdict was passed.

Шокуюче беззаконня на загарбаних територіях: російський військовий зґвалтував і вбив 17-річну дівчину12.05.24, 06:20

Julia Kotvitskaya



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