The fight against fires continues in Turkey. The fire has covered large areas, leading to evacuations and threats to property. Elimination is carried out from the air and ground. This is reported by TRT Haber, according to UNN.
In the Turkish region of Izmir, fires are being fought that have spread over large areas. The fires in the Menderes and Selcuk districts have consumed an area of 150 hectares and 350 hectares respectively, but the settlements are not in danger.
The flames are being actively extinguished from the air and ground. In the Ezine district of Çanakkale, a fire on farmland between two villages was also partially brought under control. Due to the wind, the fire spread rapidly, prompting the evacuation of local residents and the rescue of animals.
In addition, the fire has engulfed a closed area at the cement plant's entrance to the port, which has led to additional firefighting efforts. Local fire brigades, supported by the regional forestry department, continue to work to stop the fire from spreading and protect people and property in the area.
Пожежники борються з лісовою пожежею поблизу Афін 30.06.24, 01:47