
Kuleba: Putin's latest ultimatums did not arouse appetite at the peace summit

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The Russian dictator's latest ultimatums demanding that Ukraine withdraw its troops from its territories and refuse to join NATO were not taken seriously by the participants of the Global Peace Summit

The latest statements by Russian dictator Vladimir Putin on the eve of the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland did not provoke a serious reaction from the participants of the event. This was stated by Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba during a briefing, UNN reports.

We are talking about the ultimatums voiced by Putin on June 14, which are supposed to lead to the end of the war. Putin's demands are that in order to end the hostilities, Ukraine must "withdraw its troops" from the territories of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions within the administrative borders. He also demanded that Ukraine refuse to join NATO.

"Putin's latest ultimatum did not arouse any appetite at the summit, because everyone understands that it was done with one simple goal in mind - to create a kind of PR wave on the eve of the summit. They understood that their intelligence was working well, and the intelligence reported that the summit would be big and successful, and they had to interrupt it with something, so they used a political "nuclear weapon" in the person of Putin, and he had to personally try to disrupt our summit. He failed, because his proposals were not taken seriously. Because, again, there are two fundamental mistakes: the language of ultimatums and the second - what kind of demand is it that a sovereign country leave its own sovereign territory?" Kuleba said, answering the question about how the Russian dictator's statements were perceived by the summit participants.

Kuleba also emphasized that the Global Summit was based on the Ukrainian formula for peace and that no alternative plans or proposals were considered.

"Образливі для здорового глузду": в ОП відреагували на заяви путіна щодо мирних переговорів14.06.24, 23:50


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