
It will ensure a just peace: Romania supports Zelenskyy's peace initiative

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Romania fully supports President Zelenskyy's Peace Formula and will support Ukraine and Ukrainians as long as it is needed. Romanian President Klaus Iohannis said this  in a speech to the UN General Assembly, Digi24reports , UNN reports.


Romania has provided strong and multidimensional support to Ukraine and its people, and we are committed to sustaining it for as long as it is needed. At the same time, Romania will continue its unconditional support for strengthening the resilience of the Republic of Moldova, the second country most affected by this war

- Johannis said . 

According to him,  this brutal war has already affected nations and people around the world and threatens not only regional but also global security.

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A long-term conflict is unacceptable and we must remain firm in our position. Ukraine needs the strong support of all UN member states determined to respect international law and the UN Charter. Romania fully supports President Zelenskyy's peace initiative. This is the only approach that can ensure a just and lasting peace and is fully in line with the UN Charter and international law

-  Johannis is convinced.


At the same time, the Romanian president is convinced that the UN should be “more accessible to the public and more relevant,” an organization where young people can have a say in the issues.

Попри заперечення росії: на саміті у Нью-Йорку ухвалили план реформи ООН 22.09.24, 19:59

This is why the Pact for the Future was so urgently needed. To give new shape and purpose to our vision for future generations

- Romanian President explained.”


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy told the UN General Assembly that there can be no just peace without Ukraine. He emphasized that the Ukrainian people suffer the most from the war waged by Russia.


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