
It became known who will be the next NATO Secretary General after Stoltenberg

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Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte is the most likely candidate to become the next NATO Secretary General, according to current Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

North Atlantic Treaty Organization Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has publicly stated for the first time that Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte has the best chance of becoming the next head of the military-political bloc. Jens Stoltenberg said this during a joint press conference with U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken on June 18, UNN reports .


The head of the Alliance acknowledged that he usually refrains from commenting on his successor because he does not choose him.

But after today's announcement by Prime Minister Orban, I think it's clear that we are very close to a decision in NATO on the next Secretary General

Stoltenberg explained.

He noted that Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte "is a very good candidate" because he has a lot of experience as head of government.

He is a close friend and colleague of mine. And that is why I believe that the Alliance will decide on my successor very soon. This will be good for all of us, for NATO and also for me

Stoltenberg stated.

Рютте у прагненні стати Генсеком НАТО пообіцяв Орбану угоду щодо рішень по Україні - FT18.06.24, 10:39


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