
Higher education: the Ministry of education and Science explained what changes are expected when applying for Master's and postgraduate studies

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The Ministry of education and science has updated the admission procedure for Bachelor's, master's, doctor of philosophy and Doctor of art for 2024, increasing support for higher education institutions in the frontline and border regions, increasing passing scores for Master's programs and introducing special conditions for applicants from the occupied territories or areas affected by active military operations.

This year, the procedure for admission to study for Bachelor's, master's, doctor of philosophy, and Doctor of art degrees has changed. In particular, support for higher education institutions located in the frontline and border regions is increasing due to an increase in the regional coefficient, passing points for admission to the master's program are increasing, and so on. These changes were reported in the Ministry of education and Science, Reports UNN.

The Ministry of education and science informs about the update of the procedure for admission to study for Bachelor's, master's, doctor of philosophy, doctor of art degrees in 2024. The changes are related to the current military and political situation in the country. They also take into account the main aspects of exams that are necessary to confirm the high level of knowledge, competencies and skills of applicants 

- the message says.

It is noted that support for higher education institutions located in the frontline and border regions is increasing due to an increase in the regional coefficient, which multiplies the competitive score if the applicant chooses a Western Military District located in a particular region.

"Western military districts near the war zone and territories affected by Russian aggression will have a special regional coefficient: 1.07 — in Zaporizhia, Mykolaiv, Odesa, Sumy, Kharkiv, Chernihiv regions; 1.04 — in Dnipropetrovsk, Poltava regions, as well as Buchansky District of the Kiev region; 1.00 — others," the ministry adds.

Also, for obtaining a master's degree based on an already obtained Master's degree (for a second higher education), admission can take place without the EMI and EFVV, but only through exams directly at the educational institution. This applies to educational programs of all specialties except 081 "law" and 293 "international law".

"For training for the degree of Doctor of philosophy/doctor of art, the admission condition is the successful completion of the EMI in 2024 with a score of at least 150 points for each of its components. An alternative admission may be an Ebi in 2023 with a foreign language test score of at least 130 points. Certificates certifying knowledge of a foreign language do not provide access to admission to graduate school in 2024," the ministry stressed.

Some students who have completed a bachelor's degree in 2024 may take advantage of special conditions for admission to the master's program. In particular, this applies to students who are registered and live in the temporarily occupied territory; live in localities where active military operations took place as of July 1, 2024; live in the temporarily occupied territory or resettled from such territories after January 1, 2024.


As of May 27, more than 167 thousand students applied to the admissions committees of higher educational institutions for testing for admission to master's and postgraduate studies.


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