
Germany temporarily withdraws ambassador from russia due to a series of cyberattacks russia

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Germany has recalled its ambassador from russia for consultations amid Berlin's accusations of russian involvement in cyberattacks on defense and aerospace companies and the ruling party. Reuters  reports this with reference to a statement by a spokesperson for the German Foreign Ministry, UNN reports.


German Ambassador Alexander Graf Lambsdorf will stay in Berlin for a week and then return to Moscow.

Foreign Minister recalls Ambassador Graf Lambsdorf to Berlin for consultations

- said a spokesman for the German Foreign Ministry. 

"Ми повинні залишатися пильними": Столтенберг попередив про російських шпигунів в країнах Альянсу26.04.24, 17:58


The ambassador was recalled as Germany completed an investigation into last year's cyberattack on the SPD server. Berlin said that the attack was carried out by the russian-backed hacker group APT28.

In this regard, Germany summoned the high-ranking russian ambassador to the Foreign Ministry. 


The Financial Times reported that European intelligence agencies have warned their governments that russia is preparing a series of sabotage attacks on the continent. These include explosions, arson, and attacks on infrastructure.


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