
Fraud is considered valor. The expert told when the Institute of Business Reputation stopped working in Ukraine

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The Institute of Business Reputation has not been operating in Ukraine since the change of government in 2019. It will be possible to talk about its resumption when officials involved in corruption resign from the authorities on their own. This opinion was expressed by political scientist Volodymyr Tsybulko in an exclusive commentary to UNN.

We had the Institute of Business Reputation until 2019. We recall the case of the Svynarchuks (Petro Poroshenko's business partner and former Deputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council Oleh Hladkovskyi (Svynarchuk) - ed.), when his son was suspected of corruption, and his father suspended his powers. It worked here. After the change of government, unfortunately, the institution of business reputation stopped working. Fraud is considered valor

- said Tsybulko.

According to him, it is crucial to restore the work of the business reputation institute in Ukraine.

“In fact, the institution of business reputation is extremely important for a civilized country. It speaks to its development. It would be desirable, of course, if officials involved in corruption would resign themselves. Then we could safely say that the institution of business reputation is working in our country,” said Tsybulko.


Earlier , UNN talked about one of the most striking examples of how a single mid-level official can harm the reputation of a government agency and the image of the entire country. The case in question is Oleksandr Zyma, director of the legal department of the National Bank of Ukraine, who is being investigated for possible abuse of office. The case concerns a letter from the National Bank to the Deposit Guarantee Fund signed by Zyma, in which he recommended that the Fund withdraw the lawsuits filed by Concord Bank against the NBU.  The document referred to four lawsuits filed by the bank against the NBU, in which Concorde demanded the cancellation of fines totaling almost UAH 63.5 million. They were filed even before the National Bank decided to liquidate Concorde and put it under temporary administration. 


On April 22, the Shevchenkivskyi District Court of Kyiv recognized Yulia Sosedka, co-founder of Concord Bank, as a victim in this criminal proceeding. According to Yelena Sosedka, a co-owner of Concorde, Zima deprived the bank's shareholders of their constitutional right to a fair trial by his instructions

However, SBI investigators ignored this court decision for more than 4 months and did not hand Yulia Sosedka a memo on the rights of the victim. Instead, the Kyiv City Prosecutor's Office transferred Zyma's case to the Pechersk District Police Department for investigation. Yulia Sosiedka does not rule out that this is an attempt to delay the investigation.


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