
Drone attack on fuel depot in Rostov region of Russia: source says about DIU operation

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The drone attack on a fuel depot in the Rostov region of Russia was a DIU operation, the source said.

This morning, on May 15, drones of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine attacked a fuel base in the Rostov region of Russia that is used for military purposes. The facility is currently on fire. This was reported to UNN by a source in the DIU.


"In the morning of May 15, a fire broke out at a fuel depot in the Proletarsky district of Rostov region of Russia as a result of a kamikaze drone attack. The operation to destroy the fuel base was organized by specialists of the Main Intelligence Directorate. The facility was used for military purposes," the source said.

The governor of Rostov region, Vasily Golubev, said that two explosions occurred near the oil depot, and according to eyewitnesses, a fire broke out at the facility, although Russian authorities deny the fire.

The source adds that emergency services are still unable to cope with the fire, and the fire at the facility continues.


Two explosions occurred at a fuel depot in the Rostov region of Russia due to a drone attack.


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