
Denmark to provide Ukraine with $21 million to rebuild Mykolaiv

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Denmark is providing Ukraine with more than $21 million to rebuild Mykolaiv, focusing on demining and infrastructure.

Denmark will provide Ukraine with an aid package worth more than $21 million to rebuild Mykolaiv. This was reported by the Ministry of Community Development, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine, UNN reports.

Denmark is one of our most committed partners in the reconstruction process. In the spring of 2023, the country took over the patronage of Mykolaiv and Mykolaiv region. Since then, we have already made progress in rebuilding the city, with most of the projects from previous aid packages either completed or well underway 

- commented Oleksandr Kubrakov, Minister of Development of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure of Ukraine.


The aid package includes projects in the agricultural sector aimed at de-mining agricultural land, providing cogeneration units, and reconstructing a fire safety dormitory at Mykolaiv State Agricultural University.


In March 2023, Mykolaiv region signed a memorandum with Denmark on the reconstruction of the region. 

Відновлення регіону та навчання протезування: Миколаївщина та Японія підписали Меморандум про співпрацю04.12.23, 20:11

Anna Onishchenko



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