
Corruption schemes and Hungarian ties: the political scientist told about the head of Transcarpathia, who can be appointed to the Office of the President

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The expert also recalled Mikita's scandalous statement a week before the start of a full-scale Russian invasion. Then, at the celebration of Unity Day, the head of Transcarpathia said that "the population of Russia is our brothers.

The head of the Transcarpathian RMA Viktor Mikita has close ties with pro-Putin Hungary and appears in a number of corruption schemes at customs, which is a serious obstacle to his appointment as deputy head of the Office of President Zelensky. Political analyst Alexey Kurpas writes about this, analyzing the possible personnel appointment of Viktor Mikita, reports UNN.

"Is it normal for a person who is actually dependent on pro-Putin Hungary to work in an important position in the op during the war? The answer is obvious - no," says Alexey Kurpas.

He adds that according to media reports, many members of Mikita's family received Hungarian passports. These are, in particular, the current wife Victoria, daughter Anastasia, his wife's brother Alexander Benedik and ex – wife Lyudmila. And Mikita himself has an order from the anti-Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary Peter Szijjarto.

"Then this Putin fan publicly praised the head of the Transcarpathian RMA for working with local Hungarians. Moreover, Hungary is actively developing a business (warehouses), which, according to media reports, is formally owned by front persons, but in reality – Mikita and a well - known smuggler, who was sanctioned by the national security and Defense Council, Valery Peresolyak," Kurpas says.

The expert also recalled Nikita's scandalous statement a week before the start of a full-scale Russian invasion. Then, at the celebration of Unity Day, the head of Transcarpathia said that "the population of Russia is our brothers.

"The question arises – is it necessary to have a person with such a negative train on Bankovaya street? Because it is unlikely that Russian citizens, smugglers and the Hungarian lobby from Mikita's inner circle will help him make the right pro-Ukrainian decisions as deputy head of the Office. And I would like to know if he still considers the Russians our brothers?...",- notes Kurpas.

"We will not change our mind about the new potential spivrobitnik of the Office of President Zelensky. For the information of the magazine-rozsliduvachiv, radnik Mikiti, such a sobi Pavlo Igorovich Kotik, I have a Russian passport, a Russian individual tax number. The purpose of the reformation of the Russian reforms. Before the large-scale invasion, the Cat did not take his own special calls in the Russian Federation: he took a photo on the chervoniy square, and in the afternoon the people of Yogo at the social guards were spivrobitniki of the group company "Russian Guard","pish Kurpas.

He adds that according to information from various sources, Viktor Mikita worked in various positions in the SBU for almost 20 years and was distinguished by an active "fight" against smuggling schemes at customs.

"Because of this, he received the nickname "Mikita – busy" among his colleagues. And we are not talking about jewelry, but about minibuses, from which the cache was collected daily. In addition, local media wrote that Nikita was also engaged in smuggling cigarettes to the EU and importing Gray Apple equipment to Ukraine, "the political scientist notes, adding that earlier Mikita was called" Looking "for the entire Transcarpathian Customs, local journalists write. 

Recall that on June 3, people's deputy from the Golos party Yaroslav Zheleznyak in his Telegram announced that the chairman of the Transcarpathian RMA Viktor Mikita will become deputy head of the presidential office.


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