
Blackout schedules will be in effect throughout the day, but Ukraine still needs electricity imports - Ministry of Energy

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Yesterday, Ukraine attracted emergency electricity imports from Poland, Romania, and Slovakia due to hostile attacks on energy infrastructure. Nevertheless, there is a need for stabilization blackouts throughout the day.

Yesterday, on June 28, Ukraine attracted emergency assistance from the power systems of Poland, Romania and Slovakia. Today's schedules of stabilization blackouts will be in effect throughout the day, but electricity imports are planned again to cover the needs . This was reported by UNN with reference to the Ministry of Energy.


Today, hourly outage schedules are applied from 0:00 to 24:00. If the situation changes, the information will be updated

- the ministry said. 

The agency emphasizes that the main reason for restrictions is enemy attacks on energy infrastructure and the negative consequences of these attacks.

For the current day, electricity imports are forecast at 35,203 MWh. No exports are expected

- summarized in the Ministry of Energy. 

Бурштинська ТЕС сильно зруйнована і відновленню не підлягає - ОВА28.06.24, 16:29


The Ministry said that an overhead line of the distribution system operator was damaged by enemy shelling in  Donetsk region.

As a result, the substation and the household consumers and the mine connected to it were cut off. At the time, there were 73 employees in the mine, and they were brought to the surface. All consumers were reconnected.

In addition, in Chernihiv region, 413 subscribers in 6 settlements lost power last night due to shelling.

A metal ball with a diameter of 15 cm was found on the territory of a high-voltage substation in Lviv region - a fragment of a cluster munition from a Russian X-101 missile. The SES workers removed the munition from the substation

- said the Ministry of Energy. 


DTEK Energy said that Russia attacked DTEK's thermal power plants almost 200 times, resulting in the loss of about 90% of generating capacity.


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