
Beijing assesses Xi Jinping's visit to Europe as "successful"

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Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to France, Serbia, and Hungary has strengthened China's relations with these countries and Europe, promoting cooperation and demonstrating China's growing international influence, Beijing said.

Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Europe was successful, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said, UNN reports citing CGTN.


President Xi paid state visits to France, Serbia and Hungary from May 5 to 10 at the invitation of French President Emmanuel Macron, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, and Hungarian President Tamas Sulyok and Prime Minister Viktor Orban.

Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, applauded the visit as successful, saying Xi's trip consolidated the China-France relationship, strengthened China-Serbia friendship and improved China-Hungary ties. It also boosted China-Europe cooperation, Wang added.

"This is a journey to carry on friendship, enhance mutual trust, boost confidence and open up the future," Wang stated

Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Europe demonstrated that China has become a responsible major country with great international influence, Wang said.

Сі Цзіньпін: Китай "енергійно" працював над просуванням мирних переговорів щодо України07.05.24, 05:11


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