
At night, the Ukrainian Armed Forces hit the Kerch ferry crossing with ATACMS missiles - General Staff

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The Ukrainian Defense Forces attacked the Kerch ferry crossing with ATACMS missiles, damaging two ferries and significantly undermining Russian military logistics in the occupied Crimea.

On the night of May 30 , the Ukrainian Defense Forces attacked the Kerch ferry crossing with ATACMS missiles. this was stated in the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, reports UNN.


The ministry stressed that the Russians actively used the crossing to support their group of troops in the temporarily occupied Crimea.

В Керчі через нічну атаку пошкоджені пороми: що відомо 30.05.24, 08:44

The General Staff also said that the object was covered by "modern" Russian air defense systems - Pantsir, Tor, triumph. However, the missiles that have been in service since the 90s of the last century have successfully overcome the "newest" anti-aircraft Shield of the invaders.

As a result of the damage, two ferries that carried out rail and Road Transportation suffered significant damage. One of them ran aground, which blocked the functioning of the entire Kerch ferry. Thanks to the successful combat work of Ukrainian rocket scientists, the military logistics of the invaders on the peninsula has been significantly undermined

- summed up in the General Staff. 


As a result of a special operation of the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine in the occupied Crimea on the night of May 30 , 4 Russian reconnaissance boats were shot down, 2 of which were destroyed.

В ГУР підтвердили знищення двох катерів рф у Криму: деталі спецоперації 30.05.24, 10:14


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