
Assets of 6 enterprises of the corporation with Russian co-owners can be transferred to the state income

 • 19174 переглядiв

The Supreme Anti-Corruption Court has filed a lawsuit to recover the assets of six enterprises, including two pipe plants, as sanctions against their Russian co-owners, Reports UNN with reference to the press service of the prosecutor general's office.


The Supreme Anti-Corruption Court filed a lawsuit to nationalize six enterprises of the Polyplastic Group Corporation. It is noted that the co-owners of the enterprises are Russians who supply polymers to enterprises of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation.

The claim to the court was filed based on the materials of the Office of the prosecutor general by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.


The Russian corporation is a large industrial conglomerate specializing in the production of high-tech polymer pipes and composite polymer materials that have a wide range of applications.

The owners of this corporation support the aggressive policy of the aggressor state. They materially and technically ensure the functioning of the occupation administrations of the Crimean Peninsula, participate in the development of composite material for improving the model of small arms supplied by order of the Ministry of defense of the Russian Federation. They supply polymers to enterprises of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation.

Pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings on the fact of financing actions committed with the aim of forcibly changing or overthrowing the constitutional order is carried out by investigators of the main Investigation Department of the SBU.


The decision on confiscation of frozen assets of the Russian Federation will be made in a few weeks.

Germany agrees with the US plan to use frozen Russian assets to finance Ukraine.


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