
A two-year-old boy drowned in a pond in the Kiev region

 • 20311 переглядiв

A two-year-old boy drowned in a pond in the village of Markhalovka, Kiev region, after leaving the yard unattended and falling into the water.

In the Kiev region, a two-year-old boy drowned in a pond, reports UNN with reference to the police of the Kiev region.


The tragedy occurred on June 22 in the village of Markhalovka, Fastovsky district.

According to preliminary data, the child independently left the yard and went to play in the pond, where he fell from the bank into the pond.

На Київщині втопився 4-річний хлопчик- поліція з’ясовує обставини трагічного інциденту03.09.23, 09:27 • [views_506355]

The boy was pulled out of the water by a local resident who was passing by.

Now investigative actions are continuing.

Antonina Tumanova

Crimes and emergencies


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