
A cargo ship is attacked off the coast of Yemen, a fire breaks out on the deck

 • 23739 переглядiв

A cargo ship was fired upon by missiles off the coast of Yemen, causing a fire on board.

A missile strike on a cargo ship in the Gulf of Aden, recorded by the British Maritime Agency. As a result of the attack, a fire broke out on board.

Forces of the International Maritime Security Alliance have been deployed to respond to the incident, UNN reports with reference to the UK Merchant Marine Trade Office (UKMTO).


A cargo ship was shelled again 130 kilometers southeast of the Yemeni port city of Aden. The United Kingdom's Maritime Trade Agency reported that two missiles were fired at the ship, which led to a fire on board.

Forces of the International Maritime Security Alliance have been deployed to respond to the incident, the statement said. Ships in the area were urged to exercise caution and report any suspicious activity.

Все більше поляків починають боятися нападу росії – опитування для польських ЗМІ22.02.24, 14:09


It is not known who is behind the latest attack. However, the Islamist Houthi group in Yemen, which has repeatedly attacked civilian merchant ships in recent years, is again under suspicion.

The Houthis claim to be acting in solidarity with the Islamist Hamas in the Gaza Strip and are targeting cargo ships that are likely to be linked to Israel, the United States, or the United Kingdom.


The Houthis claimed to have shot down a US MQ-9 Reaper drone off the coast of Yemen . According to US officials, the Pentagon is investigating the cause of the drone crash, The New York Times reports.

A terrorist attack took place near Jerusalem near a checkpoint. Three attackers opened fire on people standing in line at a road crossingand. One person was reported dead and 11 wounded.

Верховний представник ЄС закликає країни-члени терміново збільшити постачання боєприпасів для України22.02.24, 18:16


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