Two invaders were wounded, the rest of the "shell-shocked" escaped: border guards showed footage of the attack in Kharkiv region

Two invaders were wounded, the rest of the "shell-shocked" escaped: border guards showed footage of the attack in Kharkiv region

Kyiv  •  UNN

January 8 2024, 02:13 PM  •  26294 views

Ukrainian border guards attacked the enemy's concentration in Kharkiv, wounding two and forcing the rest to flee. The operation was reported by the State Border Guard Service.

On the temporarily occupied territory in the Kharkiv region, border guards of the Offensive Guard Brigade found a cluster of occupiers and attacked them. The corresponding video of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine was distributed on its Telegram channel, UNN reports.

Two occupants were wounded, the rest of the "shell-shocked" escaped - the result of the work of the border guards of the "Steel Frontier" brigade of the Offensive Guard in Kharkiv region 

- the statement said.

READ MORE: The General Staff reported total enemy combat losses over the day