Russian military complain about chaos in supply and indifference of the command: what is known

Russian military complain about chaos in supply and indifference of the command: what is known

Kyiv  •  UNN

October 14 2024, 02:33 PM  •  4998 views

The Russian military faces problems of supply, lack of medical care, and salary delays. This leads to mass desertions and suicides among soldiers.

The Russian military is facing serious supply problems, lack of medical care and salary delays, leading to mass desertions and suicides.

Writes UNN with a reference to the Center for National Resistance.

Hidden mobilization is ongoing in Russia, affecting men of all ages and physical abilities. Due to the critical situation with personnel, the command of the Russian Federation  involves not only contract soldiers and conscripts, but also prisoners. Mobilization commissions offer convicts to sign a contract for military service in exchange for early release and a one-time payment of 30,000 rubles. Such recruits are called “Wagnerians”.

Men who are called to the police because of domestic violence can also be recruited. Prisoners and those who were recruited through the police are assigned to assault brigades with minimal chances of survival. After being enlisted in the ranks of the Russian armed forces, the military face problems of supply and logistics. Soldiers in the “hot” spots are not supplied with food and water, and parcels with necessary items do not arrive.

Diseases such as dysentery are spreading through the consumption of water from the rivers. Some soldiers try to get food by visiting the trenches of the Ukrainian military or disguise themselves as women to get to stores. Vendors say that such “women” buy stew, canned food, water and bread.As for clothing, they are issued summer uniforms in winter and winter uniforms in summer. In addition, the command requires saving ammunition.

The situation with medical support at the front line in Russia is as critical as the supply situation. The soldiers have to help themselves, and bullet and shrapnel wounds are often treated with brilliant green and then sent to new attacks. Seriously wounded soldiers are left in the trenches due to the impossibility of evacuation and indifference of the command. Many dead soldiers remain in the fields and around the trenches. Some soldiers are forbidden to leave their positions even for medical treatment.

One of the main reasons for the Russian military to participate in the war is financial reward, but salaries are often delayed or not paid at all, which leads to desertion. There are cases when commanders take away the bank cards of their subordinates after they are wounded. Soldiers also say that they are sent to war by their own wives for selfish reasons. Many Russian soldiers believe that the course of the war depends on the United States and expect it to end after the American elections.

There is a growing distrust of Putin, as they believe he is interested in prolonging the war. Those who used to support the war quickly became disillusioned with the terrible conditions and realized that the only thing Russia has effectively organized is propaganda. Some occupants or their relatives are trying to find a way to escape from the war zone, realizing that they will only face death or injury.

Russian military personnel often resort to self-mutilation or plan to escape from service. There is a significant number of deserters in the Russian army, especially among stormtroopers who prefer to serve their time rather than die in the war. According to the soldiers themselves, only the wounded or dead can leave the combat zone, but due to the strict control of medical personnel, the chances of evacuating the wounded are minimal.

In order to prevent escapes, the Russian command takes away military badges, phones and documents, making identification of the dead impossible. This leads to suicides among both soldiers and officers, which are carefully concealed by the leadership.


In the occupied territories of the Luhansk region of Ukraine, the invaders have intensified checks on men; the so-called “luhansk people's republic” is preparing for forced mobilization.