National Council calls on the media to provide correct coverage of TCC activities and mobilization

National Council calls on the media to provide correct coverage of TCC activities and mobilization

Kyiv  •  UNN

October 15 2024, 01:31 PM  •  2332 views

The National Council on Television called on the media to professionally cover the mobilization and activities of the TCC. It is important to distinguish truthful information from Russian fakes and use only official sources.

The National Council called on the media to cover such sensitive topics as  the process of mobilization and the activities of the TCC in a correct and professional manner.  According to the National Council, these topics are subject to special information attacks due to the active focus and spread of fakes by the enemy. This is stated in the statement of the National Council on Television and Radio Broadcasting, reports UNN

According to the National Council, it is important for domestic media to distinguish truthful information from Russian fakes and to present information only from official and reliable sources.

The enemy is actively trying to form a negative attitude in Ukrainian society towards the mobilization process, “demonizing” the CCCs and their employees, etc. The purpose of such activities is to stop the mobilization, split society, sow panic and discord, and thus reduce the defense capability of our country

- the National Council said in a statement. 

According to the National Media Literacy Project “Filter” , the Russian authorities have reportedly allocated $1.6 billion in the state budget for propaganda. At the same time, Russia's information efforts are mainly aimed at the Ukrainian audience. First of all, Russian propaganda tries to:

  • promote disinformation related to mobilization processes in our country through the media;
  • manipulate public opinion to discredit Ukrainian state institutions and the army;
  • disorient and intimidate the population, divide society through fictitious disputes and fanciful disinformation narratives, and, as a result, reduce international support for Ukraine.

 That is why the National Council calls on the Ukrainian media:

  • adhere to professional standards, carefully study the sources, including when quoting foreign resources, the reliability and origin of any information, especially those related to mobilization processes and military operations;
  • even in the case of coverage of a controversial case of detention of a person by representatives of the TCC, it is necessary to use quotes with utmost care, because emotional statements in such cases are natural, but their appearance in the media is distorted and exaggerated;
  • Understand that most reports of unpleasant facts come from social media, where it is difficult to verify the fact itself, and even more so the circumstances of the event, especially given the enemy's activity - therefore, fact-checking is the unshakable basis for quality information.

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