MP tried to bribe a top official of the State Agency for Reconstruction: he was served a notice of suspicion

MP tried to bribe a top official of the State Agency for Reconstruction: he was served a notice of suspicion

Kyiv  •  UNN

November 21 2023, 09:58 AM  •  5226 views

The SAPO and NABU served a notice of suspicion to an MP who holds the position of rector of a university. He tried to bribe a senior official of the State Agency for Reconstruction.

The SAPO and NABU have announced suspicion of a current MP who holds the position of rector at a university. He tried to bribe a top official of the State Recovery Agency.  UNN reports this with reference to the SAPO.

  As noted by UNN, this is probably Andriy Odarchenko, who continues to hold the position of rector at the State Biotechnology University  

On behalf of the head of the SAPO the prosecutor served a notice of suspicion to a current MP who was caught of giving an undue benefit to the head of the State Agency for the Development of Infrastructure of Ukraine

- reports the SAPO.


It was established that the MP offered the official to give MP offered to bribe an official to ensure the adoption of the Interagency Working Group to allocate funds from the of the armed aggression to repair the buildings of the university, where the MP MP continues to hold the position of rector (whose contract has been suspended).

The proposed bribe amount was to be was to be 8% of the funding.

Later, the suspect provided a top official - a person holding a particularly responsible position, part of this unlawful benefit in the amount of 0.39 bitcoins, which at the time of the transaction equivalent to 10 thousand US dollars at the time of the transaction.

It is noted that the head of the of the State Agency for the Restoration and Development of Infrastructure of Ukraine cooperated with the NABU and the SAPO and facilitated the investigation of illegal actions.

"As of today, the MP MP has been served with a notice of suspicion of committing a crime under part. 4 of Art. 369 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine," the SAPO said.