MP "betrayed" his father to Russians to get a "position" from the balance: another collaborator detained in Kherson region

MP "betrayed" his father to Russians to get a "position" from the balance: another collaborator detained in Kherson region

Kyiv  •  UNN

November 24 2023, 09:23 AM  •  12856 views

The deputy, who was previously a member of the banned Party of Regions, was detained by the SBU for aiding Russian troops and betraying his pro-Ukrainian father to get a position in the occupation administration in Kherson region. During the occupation, he was involved in looting, kidnapping and collaboration.

SBU CI officers detained a Security Service detained a deputy of one of the village councils in Kherson region who went over to the to the side of the enemy during the temporary occupation of the region. In order to get a "position" in the occupation "administration", he betrayed his father, who opposed the armed aggression of the Russian Federation. This was reported by the SBU, according to UNN.


According to the SBU, the deputy was a member of the banned Party of Regions, and at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, he met columns of Russian troops entering the territory of the community.

During the occupation of the region he was one of the first to offer the invaders his "help" in the war against Ukraine. To do this, he began to "hand over" to the aggressor the locations of members of the of the resistance movement and their families. One of the first people to be "betrayed" by the traitor was his his father, who had a pro-Ukrainian position and opposed the armed aggression of the Russian Federation

- according to the SBU.

The patriotic father was taken to a local Russian torture chamber, where he was subjected to numerous tortures, to try to persuade him to cooperate with the Russians. At the same time, the traitor deputy was appointed to the occupation "administration" created on the territory of the community under the leadership of Gauleiter Saldo.

The traitor was responsible for distribution of "humanitarian aid" from Russia among supporters of the Kremlin regime and repeatedly participated in the looting of local residents' homes and abductions of people who resisted the invaders and their henchmen.

In addition, the defendant on his own initiative on his own initiative, "kept watch" with weapons at Russian checkpoints and "quartered" the occupiers in the homes of citizens who had left for Ukraine-controlled territory. After the village was liberated, he remained on the community, where he tried to "lie low" and thus avoid justice

- adds the SBU.

The traitor has now been detained and notified of suspicion under two articles of the Criminal Code of Ukraine: High treason committed under martial law and collaboration.

To recap

The Security Service of Ukraine served a notice of suspicion to blogger Myroslav Oleshko for obstructing the lawful activities of the of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.