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More than thirty UN member states call for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council on Russia's attacks on Ukraine

Ukraine and more than 30 countries demand an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council to address Russia's deadly attacks on Ukrainian cities.

War • December 29 2023, 06:44 PM  •  107102 views
More than thirty UN member states call for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council on Russia's attacks on Ukraine

Partisans disabled Russian equipment in Kherson region

Ukrainian partisans disabled Russian military equipment in the Kherson region, hindering operations on the left bank of the Dnieper.

War • December 29 2023, 06:40 PM  •  36735 views
Partisans disabled Russian equipment in Kherson region

Klymenko: 16 thousand names in the register of missing persons - Klymenko

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine has 16,000 people in the register of missing persons and faces problems in conducting DNA comparisons of those abroad.

Society • December 29 2023, 06:32 PM  •  101507 views
Klymenko: 16 thousand names in the register of missing persons - Klymenko

Alcohol tycoon Yevhen Cherniak is suspected of financing Russia's armed aggression

Cherniak is suspected of financing Russian aggression through his companies, which paid about UAH 6 billion in taxes to Russia.

Crimes and emergencies • December 29 2023, 06:25 PM  •  33996 views
Alcohol tycoon Yevhen Cherniak is suspected of financing Russia's armed aggression

Residential neighborhoods were shelled: russians wounded three men in Kherson overnight

The men were injured during a Russian attack on residential areas in the Korabelny district of Kherson.

War • December 29 2023, 06:13 PM  •  34182 views
Residential neighborhoods were shelled: russians wounded three men in Kherson overnight

An accident in Rivne region: three people were injured, including two pedestrians

In the Rivne region, a VAZ and a Mercedes collided, injuring three people, including two child pedestrians; all of them were hospitalized.

Crimes and emergencies • December 29 2023, 06:10 PM  •  32350 views
An accident in Rivne region: three people were injured, including two pedestrians

Kiper on the consequences of the attack on Odesa: 14 people still in hospital, 11 discharged

Four people were killed and 27 wounded in the Russian attacks on Odesa. Twenty-one buildings were damaged, one of which was completely destroyed.

Society • December 29 2023, 06:05 PM  •  36336 views
Kiper on the consequences of the attack on Odesa: 14 people still in hospital, 11 discharged

Congress must step up and act without further delay: Biden reacts to Russia's large-scale attack on Ukraine

Biden condemned Russia's largest air strike on Ukraine since the beginning of the war, calling on Congress to immediately provide further military aid.

War • December 29 2023, 05:51 PM  •  103603 views
Congress must step up and act without further delay: Biden reacts to Russia's large-scale attack on Ukraine

Dnipropetrovs'k region: six people killed, 38 wounded in Russian attacks

As a result of Moscow's aggression in Dnipropetrovs'k region, 6 civilians were killed, 38 were wounded, including a child, said the head of the Dnipropetrovs'k Regional State Administration Serhiy Lysak.

War • December 29 2023, 05:46 PM  •  34687 views
Dnipropetrovs'k region: six people killed, 38 wounded in Russian attacks

At least 30 dead and 160 wounded: the Ministry of Internal Affairs told about the consequences of russia's missile strike on Ukraine

A russian air strike in Ukraine has killed 30 people and injured 160 others. Today, the State Emergency Service rescued 53 people, eight of whom were pulled from the rubble.

War • December 29 2023, 05:43 PM  •  30324 views
At least 30 dead and 160 wounded: the Ministry of Internal Affairs told about the consequences of russia's missile strike on Ukraine