Mexico introduces elected judges through judicial reform

Mexico introduces elected judges through judicial reform

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 16 2024, 03:18 AM  •  16341 views

In Mexico, a judicial reform that allows voters to elect judges has come into effect. President Lopez Obrador considers this necessary to fight corruption, but opponents fear the impact on the independence of the judiciary.

Mexico is implementing a judicial reform that allows voters to elect judges. This was reported by Reuters, according to UNN.


On Sunday, a judicial reform that gives voters the right to elect judges officially came into effect in Mexico. The text of the constitutional amendments was published in the government gazette.

This reform was an important legislative achievement in the final phase of Andrés Manuel López Obrador's presidency. The president, who has regularly criticized judges for corruption, argues that the reform is necessary to improve the justice system. Opponents, however, have expressed concerns that the election of judges could undermine the independence of the judiciary and affect investor confidence.

Мексика пов'язує викрадення наркобоса Майо Самбади зі звільненням наркоторговця Овідіо Гусмана у СШАAugust 30 2024, 07:14 AM • 11413 views