In Kharkiv, a pensioner hacked his friend to death with an axe and dismembered his body: the killer was sentenced

In Kharkiv, a pensioner hacked his friend to death with an axe and dismembered his body: the killer was sentenced

Kyiv  •  UNN

December 5 2023, 10:56 AM  •  24104 views

In Kharkiv, a 72-year-old man was sentenced to 8.5 years in prison for hacking his friend to death with an axe during an argument while intoxicated and then dismembering his body. He was arrested after his daughter found the remains and called the police.

On the charges brought by prosecutors of the Nemyshlyansky District Prosecutor's Office in Kharkiv, the court found a 72-year-old man guilty of premeditated murder (Part 1 of Article 115 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). He was sentenced to 8 years and 6 months in prison. in prison. This was reported by the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office, according to UNN.


Prosecutors proved that on January 19 this year, the man hacked to death his friend of the same age. The tragic event took place in an apartment in the Nemyshlyansky district of Kharkiv. Two elderly men were drinking alcohol, celebrating Epiphany, and had managed to drink a liter and a half of vodka when a dispute arose between them.

The owner of the apartment chose physical violence as the last argument. He picked up an axe that was lying next to the table and struck it six times on his guest's head. The victim died on the spot.

The attacker, being intoxicated, went to bed. When he woke up the next morning, he realized that he had killed a man, but he did not want to be held accountable. So he went to the store to buy vodka and, after drinking, in his words, "to calm down," he dismembered the body of his murdered friend. He planned to bury the body gradually, in parts,

- the report says.

On January 21, the killer took and buried a part of the victim's body near the garage at his dacha, planning to to make a few more walks. However, when he returned home, he saw law enforcement officers there. the police were there. They were called by his daughter - the woman brought her father some medicine and, opened the door to his apartment with her own key and saw the remains of the corpse next to with the tools covered in blood. Frightened, she called the police. The same day the killer was arrested.

During the trial, the accused pleaded guilty during the trial.

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