From -5°C to +10°C: weather forecast for today

From -5°C to +10°C: weather forecast for today

Kyiv  •  UNN


Mostly no precipitation in Ukraine today, with fog and frost down to -5° in the west. Temperatures will reach +3-8° during the day, up to +10° in the south and Transcarpathia.

Weather without significant precipitation is expected in Ukraine today. In the west, fog and frosts down to -5° are possible, with temperatures reaching +10° in some places, the Ukrainian Weather Center told UNN.


According to the weather forecast, November 11 will be cloudy with clearings. No significant precipitation. In the western regions, there will be fog at night and in the morning. 

Northeast wind, 5-10 m/s. 

Temperatures at night will range from 4° C to 1° C, in the western regions 0-5° C; during the day 3-8° C, in the southern part and in Transcarpathia up to 10°.                                                 

Weather forecast for the Kyiv region

Cloudy with clearings. No significant precipitation. Northeast wind, 5-10 m/s. The temperature at night will be from 4° C to 1° C, during the day 3-8° C. In Kyiv, the temperature will be 1-3°C at night, 4-6°C during the day.