Former MP Bereza caught in manipulation: he fled Ukraine and cannot prove that he is not a fugitive - media

Former MP Bereza caught in manipulation: he fled Ukraine and cannot prove that he is not a fugitive - media

Kyiv  •  UNN

September 4 2024, 11:41 AM  •  20101 views

Former MP Bereza caught in manipulation: he fled Ukraine and cannot prove that he is not a fugitive - media.

Former MP Boryslav Bereza left Ukraine in March through the Starokozache checkpoint with Moldova and never returned. This is stated in an investigation by the Law and Business publication.

“For the last six months, he has been persistently claiming to be in Ukraine on social media, giving the impression of direct participation in the defense of the country. But in fact, Bereza fled Ukraine during the war, although at the same time he promotes patriotism and the need to protect the homeland on social media, where he maintains accounts, as it turns out, from abroad,” the publication notes.

Journalists insisted that Bereza provide at least some evidence to refute his travels abroad. But the former MP failed to do so. He tried to justify himself by posting a supposedly recent photo of himself near the sign of the Dniprovskyi District TCC in Kyiv, but then quickly deleted it.

And on September 1, Bereza again posted a photo, this time in a military uniform with a machine gun and a caption that “September 1 in my life was like that.” But attentive readers caught him in a manipulation: they noticed that the photo showed tulips and daffodils, which do not bloom in September.

At the same time, sources confirm that Bereza, in addition to his Ukrainian passport, also has an Israeli passport, which he received in 1993 when he lived in Israel.

There is also evidence that in 2022-2024, Bereza's family (wife, children, and mother) left Ukraine at different times. He himself crossed the border 21 times during the 2.5 years of war until he finally left.

The publication notes that if Bereza intends to run for parliament again, he has about 30 days to return to Ukraine.

According to media reports, as an MP, Bereza concealed his wealth: elite real estate was registered in his wife's name at prices several times lower than the market price. In particular, an apartment in Kyiv with an area of almost 300 square meters, a warehouse and other real estate.

In 2008, the former MP himself registered a house in the Kyiv region with a total area of 91.2 square meters, and in 2021, he received an Audi Q7.

In 2022, the former MP refused to sign the summons and called the police. Later, he was hiding in a convent.

According to media reports, Bereza is part of the so-called pool of bloggers of former President Petro Poroshenko, whose children are hiding from military service in London. Also evading mobilization are Poroshenko's lawyer, Ihor Holovan, his brother and son.