EU countries promise to continue supporting Ukraine as long as necessary: summit conclusions

EU countries promise to continue supporting Ukraine as long as necessary: summit conclusions

Kyiv  •  UNN

December 15 2023, 07:50 AM  •  32650 views

The EU promises indefinite support for Ukraine in various areas, as stated in the summit conclusions

EU leaders have promised to continue financial, economic, humanitarian, military and diplomatic support for Ukraine as long as it is needed, according to the conclusions of the EU summit, UNN reports.


The European Council reiterates its strong condemnation of Russia's aggressive war against Ukraine, which is a clear violation of the UN Charter, and reaffirms the European Union's unwavering support for Ukraine's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders and its inherent right to self-defense against Russian aggression

- the document says.

On military support

The conclusions state that the EU will continue to provide Ukraine with political, financial, economic, humanitarian, military and diplomatic support as long as it is needed.

The European Council also emphasized the need to accelerate the delivery of missiles and ammunition, in particular within the framework of the one million artillery rounds initiative, and to provide Ukraine with more air defense systems.

"The European Council proposes to intensify the work on reforming the European Peace Fund and further increasing its funding," the Council added.

On energy

EU countries are also stepping up further humanitarian and civil protection assistance to Ukraine, as well as assistance to ensure the resilience of its energy sector in the winter. In addition, the European Union continues to support the repair, recovery and reconstruction of Ukraine, in coordination with international partners, including demining and psychosocial rehabilitation.

On the Peace Formula

The European Union and its Member States are stated to "continue their intensive global efforts and cooperation with Ukraine and partners from all regions of the world to ensure the widest possible international support for a comprehensive, just and lasting peace and the key principles and objectives of the Peace Formula in Ukraine, with a view to the upcoming Global Peace Summit".

On frozen Russian assets

The European Council reiterates its call for the transfer to Ukraine of frozen assets of the Russian Federation to facilitate their recovery and reconstruction, in accordance with existing treaty obligations and in line with EU and international law.

On compensation and tribunal

"russia and its leadership must be held fully accountable for its aggressive war of aggression against Ukraine and other crimes under international law, as well as for the enormous damage caused by its war. The European Council encourages further efforts, including in the framework of the Core Group, to establish a tribunal to investigate the crime of aggression against Ukraine, which would enjoy the widest possible cross-regional support and legitimacy, as well as a future compensation mechanism; it reiterates its support for the Register of Damage Caused by the Aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. In addition, the European Council expresses its support for the work of the International Criminal Court and condemns Russia's attempts to undermine its international mandate and functioning," the EU leaders said.

On deportations

The European Council reiterates its urgent call on Russia and Belarus to "immediately ensure the return to Ukraine of all illegally deported and displaced Ukrainian children and other civilians".

On sanctions, their circumvention and other countries' support for Russia

"The European Union is determined to further weaken Russia's ability to wage a war of aggression, including by further strengthening sanctions, as well as by fully and effectively implementing them and preventing their circumvention, especially on high-risk goods, in close cooperation with partners and allies," the conclusions state.

The European Council also condemns the continued military support of Russia in its war of aggression by Iran, Belarus and the DPRK and calls on all countries not to provide material or other support to Russia's war of aggression. 

On grain exports

"The European Council underlines the importance of security and stability in the Black Sea. It is vital that Ukraine's grain exports are stable and reach world markets. The European Council supports all efforts aimed at facilitating the export of Ukrainian grain and other agricultural products to the countries that need it most, in particular in Africa and the Middle East," the conclusions state.

On the movement to the EU

"The European Council decides to start accession talks with Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova," EU leaders say.

As a reminder

the European Council has decided to start accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova.