During the full-scale invasion, Russians destroyed or damaged almost a thousand Ukrainian libraries

During the full-scale invasion, Russians destroyed or damaged almost a thousand Ukrainian libraries

Kyiv  •  UNN


During the full-scale invasion of Russia, about 1000 libraries and more than 200 million Ukrainian books were destroyed or damaged. The Commissioner for the Protection of the State Language called for support for the project “Free to Read in Ukrainian!”.

During the full-scale invasion, almost a thousand libraries and more than 200 million Ukrainian books were destroyed or damaged. This was reported by the Commissioner for the Protection of the State Language, UNN reports.


During the full-scale invasion, Russian criminals destroyed or damaged almost a thousand libraries, and with them more than 200 million Ukrainian books

- the statement said.

The Commissioner for the Protection of the State Language called for joining the restoration of the destroyed library collections and supporting the initiated project “Free to Read in Ukrainian!”.


On September 30, Ukraine celebrates the Day of Libraries. The first libraries appeared in Kievan Rus in the 9th and 10th centuries, and today there are about 15 thousand library institutions in the country.