December 17: Wright Brothers Day, in Ukraine - Day of the State Enforcement Service Employee
Kyiv • UNN
Today is Wright Brothers Day, in honor of the first manned flight made by Wilbur and Orville Wright on December 17, 1903. The Wrights continued to improve their aircraft, eventually founding a company that built airplanes and trained pilots.
Today, on December 17, everyone can honor the founders of aviation aviation and celebrate the Wright Brothers' Day, writes UNN.
It was on December 17, 1903, that Wilver and Orville Wright made the first manned flight in history on a Wright Flyer motor airplane. The distance of the first flight was 37 meters. The device stayed in the air for 12 seconds. On the same day. Wilber stayed in the air for 59 seconds and covered 260 meters.
The first airplane was made of spruce planks, its was 6.4 meters long, 2.7 meters high, and had a wingspan of 12.3 meters. The propeller was driven by a chain drive, similar to a bicycle.
Over the next two years, the design of the airplane continued to be improved. the design of the airplane and made more than 200 flights. On May 22, 1906, they received a a patent for their invention. In 1908, they made a series of trips around the world, demonstrating the capabilities of their aircraft. In 1909, the brothers founded the Wright Company, which was engaged in the production of airplanes and pilot training.
In Ukraine, today , since 2009, the Day of the State Enforcement Service Employees Day.
The purpose of the event is to emphasize that the SES is an integral part of the country's of the country's legal system. It is responsible for ensuring the enforcement of decisions made by courts and other legal authorities. This service plays a crucial role in upholding the rule of law and ensuring justice.
Even today, events are taking place on the occasion of the unofficial World Day for the Protection of Sex Workers from Violence and Abuse.
The initiative to establish such an event was taken by porn actress prostitute and sexologist Annie Sprinkle.
Her idea was supported by the delegates of the first World Congress of Sex Workers held in 2001 in Venice. The symbol of the of the movement is a red umbrella.
According to the church calendar, today is the Day of the Old Testament prophet Daniel, as well as the three wise men: Ananias, Azariah and Mishael.
According to legend, they were taken captive by the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar when he invaded Israel.
Daniel foretold the birth of the Savior. The boys refused to worship the idols of Babylon. the idols of Babylon. When they were being tortured, an angel appeared and saved them from execution.
Name days on December 17 are celebrated by Daniel, Denis, Nikita, Oleksandr, Stepan, and Oleksandr.