Commanded Operation “Kyiv in Three Days”: Russian general received suspicion in absentia

Commanded Operation “Kyiv in Three Days”: Russian general received suspicion in absentia

Kyiv  •  UNN

October 17 2024, 10:13 AM  •  9537 views

Major General Volodymyr Selivorstov received a suspicion in absentia for commanding the operation to capture Kyiv at the beginning of the war. The SBU collected evidence of his participation in the aggressive war against Ukraine.

Ukrainian law enforcement officers have gathered evidence against Major General Vladimir Selivorstov, the former commander of the 106th Airborne Division of the Russian Armed Forces. At the beginning of the full-scale war, he commanded the operation to capture Kyiv from the northwestern direction. UNN reports this with reference to the SBU.


According to the plan of the Russian General Staff, on February 24, 2022, Selivyorstov's airborne units were to take control of the airfield in Hostomel with the subsequent occupation of the entire village. Another grouping of troops from Selivorstov's division received an order to seize Vyshneve, another settlement in the suburbs of the capital.

In the event of successful completion of the tasks, the occupiers planned to gain a foothold in the occupied areas, creating a springboard for a further offensive on Kyiv.

After the main forces of the Russian occupation groups approached, the Nazis were to storm Kyiv and hoped to capture it.

However, the military of the Security and Defense Forces, including the SBU, thwarted the enemy's intentions. At first, Ukrainian soldiers surrounded and destroyed a significant part of Selivyorstov's group during the battle for Gostomel.

Then the Ukrainian defenders destroyed the occupiers' headquarters in the Bucha district, where the Russian general was stationed, along with the entire command staff of his division.

Selivyorstov and his deputies were seriously injured, after which an order was given to "evacuate" the enemy group.

Based on the evidence obtained, the SBU investigators served Selivorstov a notice of suspicion in absentia under Part 2 of Article 28, Part 2 of Article 437 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (waging aggressive war committed by prior conspiracy by a group of persons).

Comprehensive measures are underway to find and punish the war criminal, the SBU added.