A Christmas tree for Lviv: who decided to give Lviv residents a Christmas tree during the war and why

A Christmas tree for Lviv: who decided to give Lviv residents a Christmas tree during the war and why

Kyiv  •  UNN

December 1 2023, 09:00 PM  •  29156 views

A couple from Bialohorshcha, Yosyp and Halyna Panas, donated a 20-year-old 14-meter Christmas tree to Lviv to inspire hope during the war. They also cut, transported and installed the tree for the city free of charge.

This year, the main Christmas tree of Lviv is The main Christmas tree in Lviv is 14 meters high. It was presented to the city by a couple from Bila Horsha Joseph and Halyna Panas. They have been nurturing and growing the tree for about 20 years. The tree became too big for their yard, and the owners decided to donate it to the city at a difficult time for the country. to donate it to the city. They wanted the Christmas tree to give people hope that good will definitely win. The motives of the donors were described in the Lviv City Council, UNN reports .

My husband brought this tree brought it from the Carpathians about 20 years ago. It has grown from such a small seedling to 14 meters high. We used to decorate it every year for Christmas, but over time it became impossible because it had grown so much. became impossible because it had grown so much! We decided to do this at this difficult time for the time for the country, when everyone is trying to save money, we decided to donate our tree to the to the Lviv community. We think that now it is more appropriate than ever. We are happy to make to make this gift and hope that Lviv residents will like it, and that the lights that will be burning on it will warm them with the thought that goodness will definitely will win. 

- Ms. Halyna shared her hopes.


The Lviv City Council emphasized that the Lviv City Council emphasized that not only the tree, but also its cutting transportation and installation were free of charge for the city. For this purpose, in addition to the Panas couple, who donated the tree itself, a number of people from different organizations.

Before cutting down the tree, we inspect it the tree, we examine it and make preparations. It is important for us to do everything correctly to cut the tree as carefully as possible and put it on the truck so as not to damage the tree. It is also important to set it up properly in the city center. The crane and the truck are provided by entrepreneurs give us the crane and tractor for free, and the work of the people involved in the process is not funded separately, because they are employees of our housing and communal services department. That is, for the main Christmas tree the city does not spend a single penny on the main Christmas tree. 

- explains Andriy Shulskyi, deputy director of the Green Lviv Municipal Company.

The Lviv MBA also note that the lighting of the festive tree will consume 1 kW per hour (for comparison, an electric kettle consumes from 1.7 to 2.5 kW per time, and a washing machine - 1.8-2.3 kW). In the event of a power outage on Svobody Ave. Svobody Avenue, the Christmas tree will not be separately illuminated.

As a reminder

After lengthy discussions, the city authorities decided that this year the main Lviv will light up the main Christmas tree, but without loud celebrations. The 14-meter tree, it was decided to decorate with a stylized anti-tank hedgehog, which will be installed instead of the and the tree itself will be decorated with illumination, which the city purchased in 2018.