
Zelenskyy: Ukraine has done everything necessary to open negotiations on EU accession

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Ukraine has done everything necessary to start negotiations with the EU on joining the bloc in June, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said.

Ukraine has done everything instrumentally and operationally to open negotiations with the EU in June. This was announced by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy during a meeting with media representatives before the Global Peace Summit in Switzerland, the start of negotiations on EU accession and the NATO summit, UNN reports with reference to the OP.

Zelenskyy spoke about Ukraine's steps to restore a just peace and its expectations from these international developments. The President noted that Ukraine has done everything possible to open negotiations on joining the European Union.

Only politics remains. Instrumentally and operationally, we have done everything to ensure that the EU opens negotiations with Ukraine in June. I think everything will work out. Even difficult partners have become a little easier today. We have been actively working with them

- Zelensky said.

Zelenskyy also noted that he and his entire team are actively preparing for the Global Peace Summit, which will take place on June 15-16 in Switzerland.

We want energy security, including nuclear security. I believe that everyone is interested in this, and it can give us the opportunity to predict another winter. We want free shipping. Any cargo through the Ukrainian sea should be risk-free. This means the safety of people in Odesa and the South in general. And to take a serious step to push for the exchange of prisoners

 ," the President emphasized.

Zelensky added that Ukraine needs a detailed plan that the whole world will agree on. And it should be based on the Ukrainian formula for peace. "If we have a serious number of countries and a corresponding communiqué, I believe this will be our diplomatic advantage," Zelensky concluded.

Кулеба обговорив з очільником МЗС Литви переговорні рамки щодо вступу в ЄС 13.05.24, 21:45


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