Today's weather forecast in Ukraine promises cool, cloudy and rainy weather in many regions of the country. The average daily temperature will fluctuate within +2..+4°C, and moderate rain and sleet are forecast in many areas. This is reported by Ukrhydrometcenter, reports UNN.
In the capital of the country, Kiev will be +1..+3°C, cloudy with light sleet and rain. Lviv will meet the day without significant precipitation at a temperature of 0..+2°C, and the Dnieper will be at 0..-2°C with sleet and rain. Odessa will be slightly warmer - + 8..+10°C with light rain, and Kharkiv will meet +0..+2°C and cloudy weather.
Donetsk and Luhansk will be affected by sleet and rain. The temperature in Donetsk will be +2..+4°C, and in Luhansk – 0..+2°C. Simferopol will have +9..+11°C with clearings, no precipitation.
All regions of Ukraine will have a similar tendency to cloud cover, with rain and sleet in most of the territory.
The Hydrometeorological Center advises you to be careful when traveling, taking into account changeable weather conditions.