
We live parallel lives because our schedules don't match - Olena Zelenska talks about her relationship with her husband and children

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Olena Zelenska says that she and her husband, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, live parallel lives because of their busy schedules and can only meet for a few hours about once a week.

During her visit to the United Kingdom, the wife of the President of Ukraine, Olena Zelenska, spoke with journalist Piers Morgan and answered questions about her relationship with her husband and children during Ukraine's great war with the Russian invaders.

This was reported by UNN with reference to the press service of the Office of the President of Ukraine.


When asked how often the children of the first lady of Ukraine can see her husband, Olena Zelenska said that the intense schedule of the couple's life affects their personal sphere:

We live parallel lives, our schedules don't match.

 ," says Olena Zelenska.

According to the president's wife, they have the opportunity to meet for a few hours about once a week.

Sometimes less frequently if he has to travel or cannot meet with us. 

- Zelenska said.

I can sometimes see him in the president's office because I have my office there. Sometimes I can call him if he is not busy. I can visit him. We can have lunch together. But that doesn't happen very often either.

- she noted.

Yesterday we couldn't call each other because he called me three times, I was in a meeting. Then I started calling him, and he couldn't answer. That is, we live parallel lives. But it's normal.

- Olena Zelenska added.


Ukrainian First Lady Olena Zelenska declined an invitation to attend US President Biden's speech in Congress because she was to be seated next to the widow of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny.

UNN previously reported that the first Ukrainian bookshelf in Latin America was opened during the international book fair in Guadalajara, Mexico. Ukraine was represented at the event by Olena Zelenska, who called for people to learn about the struggle her country is currently fighting, and also mentioned that Ukraine was supposed to be represented by 37-year-old writer Victoria Amelina, who tragically died in Donetsk region as a result of a Russian attack.

11 країн приєдналися до ІТ-коаліції на підтримку України - Міноборони06.03.24, 12:33


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