
"We have determined our next steps. They will be very fast." Zelensky discusses blockade of Polish border on selector

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President Zelenskyy held a conference call with government officials to discuss the blockade on the Polish border, analyze the situation in detail and determine further steps, defense supplies and the situation on the frontline

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy held a conference call to discuss the blockade of the Polish border, arms supplies and the situation at the front, the head of state himself said on social media, UNN reports.

Today, in addition to the daily topics, we discussed the blockade on the Polish border. Together with government officials - Deputy Prime Minister Olha Stefanishyna, Ministers Dmytro Kuleba, Oleksandr Kubrakov, Mykola Solskyi - we analyzed the situation in detail and determined our next steps. They will be taken very soon

- Zelensky said.

The President emphasized that "trade liberalization with the European Union should continue, and I am grateful for the clear position of the European Commission". "Our unity must be strong for the sake of common security and security of all countries threatened by Russian aggression. Situational interests have no right to shake it," he emphasized.

According to him, they also discussed the issues of the frontline and weapons.

"Frontline. Detailed report by Defense Minister Rustem Umerov on supplies: ammunition, weapons, electronic warfare systems, drones. Detailed report of the Chief of the Defense Ministry Oleksandr Syrskyi on the situation in the areas. Reports of the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine and the Foreign Intelligence Service," the Head of State said.

"The situation in the regions: eliminating the consequences of Russian strikes, helping people, further developing multi-level protection of critical facilities in the frontline and border regions. I thank everyone who supports people and protects lives!" he added.

Польща та Україна проводять екстрені переговори через блокаду прикордонних переходів польськими фермерами21.02.24, 12:33


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