
We are preparing the next stage of rapprochement with the European Union for June: Zelenskyy expects talks on Ukraine's accession to start in June

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President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Ukraine expects the negotiation framework to be approved and the actual start of negotiations on Ukraine's accession to the European Union in June, marking the next stage of rapprochement with the EU.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has announced that the next stage of rapprochement with the European Union is to be prepared for June - Kyiv is waiting for the approval of the negotiation framework and the actual start of negotiations on Ukraine's accession, UNN reports.

There was a lot of international communication today. President of the European Council Charles Michel. I have also just spoken with the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen. We are actively preparing for June the next stage of rapprochement with the European Union - we are waiting for the approval of the negotiation framework and the actual start of negotiations on Ukraine's accession 

- Zelensky said during a video address.

According to him, "our country, our people deserve this, and the European Union needs this step - not just politically. This is the lifeblood of the European Union - to be a European project that leaves no one outside the European Union.

"No one who truly professes European values. And I was also pleased to hear today the full support of our European friends for the Peace Summit - I am grateful to every leader who has already confirmed their participation in the Summit and is ready to effectively help us in attracting leaders..." - Zelensky summarized.

Зеленський запросив на Саміт миру президентів Чехії та Молдови09.05.24, 21:15


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