
Ukraine plans counteroffensive in 2025 after $61 billion in US military aid - Jake Sullivan

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US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan says Ukraine is planning a counteroffensive in 2025 after receiving $61 billion in US military aid.

US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said that Ukraine is planning a counteroffensive in 2025 after receiving military assistance from the United States. This was reported by the Financial Times, according to UNN.


According to US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, Ukraine plans to launch a new counteroffensive in 2025 after receiving $61 billion in military aid from the United States.

On Saturday, during a speech at the FT Weekend festival in Washington, Sullivan said that while "russian progress is expected in the near term" on the battlefield, the new US funding package will allow Ukraine to "hold the line" and ensure that it can withstand a russian attack through 2024.

Sullivan also noted that Ukraine intends to "move forward to take back the territory that the russians took from them.

These comments reflect the White House's view of how the conflict will evolve if President Joe Biden wins the November election. However, any new Ukrainian offensive in 2025 will depend on increased funding from Congress and White House approval.


Former US President Donald Trump expressed doubts about helping Ukraine and promised to quickly end the conflict through negotiations.

Обговорили ситуацію фронті та потребу України в ППО: Єрмак провів телефонну розмову із Салліваном24.04.24, 19:33


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